Premier Gaming Community Since 1997
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Welcome! This form allows you to register an account on our website. Having an account does NOT make you a team member of TSF, but is necessary if you wish to join later. More info on becoming a member after you log in.

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Allowed characters: A-Z a-z 0-9 + (plus) - (minus) _ (underscore). User name must not be only numbers.
A confirmation message will be sent to this address, then you will set your password.

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This website is located in the United States of America, and by registering, you agree that only U.S. law shall apply in regards to data privacy regulations, without regard to the regulations of your country of residence if you are not a U.S. resident. If you do not agree to this, do not continue.

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If you do not log in to your new account within the next ten days, it may be automatically deleted.
On the next page, you will have the option to resend the verification message in case you do not receive it.